Hello! I’m still loving the latest Super Smash Bros., so my obsession becomes another Smash-related blog post. This time around I’m going with my favorite newcomer to the series (and my current main pick whenever I play the game)....
We’re picking up where we left off last installment, talking about how to craft your teasers to get your players in the right frame of mine. Speaking of last time… “PREVIOUSLY…” In a world where days or weeks pass...
One of the wackiest table top games I’ve ever played happened at GenCon 2018. I got a chance to play Jen McTeague’s “Paizo Unchained,” her April Fool’s day scenario poking fun at Paizo’s staff and taking place at the...
I told you there was nothing to worry about in these ruins. Even this fog is not any different than every other fog created by this valley. The rumors about stairs appearing … there are stairs behind me, aren’t...
Welcome back to Burst of Insight, I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and that your new year is starting on the right foot. Over the last several installments (Since mid-November) I’ve been chatting with you about Golarion...
Hi, everyone! Welcome to Guidance, or I guess as it should be called today, Augury. Why Augury? Because I’m going to look forward into the future… well, sort of. You may or may not know this, but I’m pretty...
Greetings! It’s a new year and time for some new terrors! My new year started with a fun little foray into catching up on the latest series of Doctor Who. (Side note: Jodie Whitaker’s new Doctor is great! I’m...
After finally kicking down the right door, the party must face a foe that is like Mr Smiles and creepy spider-girl combined! Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch, today I want to finish up our 3 part investigation of the financial straits of houses of religion in Pathfinder. Last time we spoke, we found out the average church...
Moving to a new area and leaving your old group can be really tough. Fortunately, Society play makes it easier to get back into the adventure. Today, we look at some of the most important things to consider when...