This. Is. It. Avengers: Endgame is out now and I’m sure it’s about to set the world and the box office on fire. To wrap up my MCU-themed series, I, of course, had to stat up Thanos. He’s the...
Instructional coach and 3 star Pathfinder Society GM Mark Orr shares his thoughts and techniques to get more players into the game. Teaching people to play Pathfinder can be an epic adventure with a high challenge rating. I’ve been a...
People are going to disagree about which edition of which tabletop RPG was best. Today, we help a GM weigh options in drawing battle lines or offering an olive branch.
Hello again, Randal here for more world building with Groundbreaking. I noticed that while I have provided a number of possible antagonists for various scenarios within our domain, none of them are outright bad. They all exist in the...
What is high level Starfinder play like? Now that Alex and James have started playing Book 6 of Starfinder’s first Adventure Path: Dead Suns, they’re here to talk about it with real world experience. Has Starfinder found the solution...
Hello, and welcome back to Iconic Design! Almost three weeks ago I made a pledge to start a new series of Pathfinder 1E articles that explored the “kineticists of Tian Xia” article that I had the privilege of writing...
Hear me and rejoice! You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No… it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile… for even...
There’s been a lot of buzz around the network about backstories lately, between Know Direction 196’s proposed topic and Andrew’s Burst of Insight companion piece to it. Today’s blog is a make-up of sorts for Know Direction 196. While the...
Connections are made, sparks fly, and personal fools drink when they aren’t supposed to. War for the Crown book 2 – Songbird, Scion, Saboteur continues! Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on...
On this network’s flagship podcast, Ryan and Perram had a lively discussion about backgrounds. Their conversation touched on things I’ve been thinking about lately as well so I figured why not examine a few of those things as a...