Welcome back to the continuation of the Advanced Player’s Guide special review blog! If you missed the beginning, you can find it here, where we covered the Introduction, Catfolk, and Kobolds. Today we will finish the ancestries and start on...
Hello and welcome back to another special review blog! I, Randal, am your host for the next few days. Last year, at GenCon, I was unable to attend, so I filled the void that our GenCon hiatus left by...
Introduction Phew! Sometimes you just end up with a week or two of go,go,go! I organized an online convention last weekend and will be GMing at GenCon Online and helping out the KD team wrangle our guests for some...
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Iconic Design! Last week I shared a bit of helpful advice for designing archetypes in the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and in that article I named what is (in my opinion) the best-designed archetype of...
Welcome back to Phantasmal Killer, a blog delving into weird and fun game mechanics and how you can take advantage of them to bring new ideas to life at your tabletop. In each article I look at using a...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Hey, there! Before I get started with Monstrous Physique, I want to take bring the spotlight back to some of the issues that are still going on at this moment. People nationwide are protesting against police brutality and doing...
The new edition of the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide brings with it a new iconic oracle: Korakai, tengu oracle. Even though 2e rules for the tengu ancestry and oracle class debut in the APG, you don’t need to wait for...
“…I saw such open and friendly behavior around me. I might have felt a stranger at first but most of us were strangers to one another and it didn’t matter. Thursday lunch rush made for finding a table but...