Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Last week we spoke about how Paizo can integrate ideas used in free-to-play games to Pathfinder for the good of all! We discussed offering continuing support and bonuses to older...
Not to be outdone by the bulette to the north, the southern farmlands have their own burrowing creatures. Ankhegs that once roamed the soft soils of the southern fields have been converted into pets to help defend the fields....
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2018 seminar coverage, brought to you by the Roll For Combat Starfinder Actual Play Podcast! Below you will find links to all of our PaizoCon 2018 Seminar Recordings. 041 – Beyond...
What inanimate object will try to kill the party this time? Whatever it is, at least Aroden is there for them, assuming they can afford his blessing. Listen Now! (mp3) Know Direction: Adventurous is a production of the Know...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2018 seminar coverage, brought to you by the Roll For Combat Starfinder Actual Play Podcast! Below you will find links to all of our PaizoCon 2018 Seminar Recordings. 040 – The...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2018 seminar coverage, brought to you by the Roll For Combat Starfinder Actual Play Podcast! Below you will find links to all of our PaizoCon 2018 Seminar Recordings. 039 – Art...
Header by dziwaczka. Welcome to Guidance! There are a lot of factors that go into presentation when you’re designing something new for an RPG, especially when you intend for your design to fill a niche that is similar to a...
Randal asked me to take a look at his submission for the Designfinder contest and I figured I would go full developer on this thing. I’m hoping to tear this thing apart and show what works and what doesn’t,...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2018 seminar coverage, brought to you by the Roll For Combat Starfinder Actual Play Podcast! Below you will find links to all of our PaizoCon 2018 Seminar Recordings. 038 – Wayfinder...
As is life’s way, mine has led me to an opportunity that I cannot pass up if I am to follow my chosen field as a professional cleric. Sadly this new appointment will prevent me from having the time...