Of the hundreds of levels in the spike, few have seen the amount of change as the gutters. Not found on schematics and plans of Absalom Station for many decades, this level was originally used for secret military experimentation....
With steeled confidence and the best plan they’ve got, the party returns to the creepy spider-girl infested halls, ready, willing, and able (not necessarily in that order) to fight it! Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the...
Hello, everyone! So I know what you’re thinking. It’s “Alex, you told us that you were going to teach us more about the Starfinder RPG in your next article, and now you’re sitting here doing an Iconic Design instead...
The Character Operations Manual is announced, and three new playtest classes are available: The biohacker, vanguard, and witchwarper. We give our thoughts on the classes so far, how they play, and what we look forward to.
Hello! This week I return to the wonderful well that is Overwatch for another great stat block. This time around, I have two! If you’re clued into Overwatch, one character you might now is D.Va, the awesome mech pilot...
Teasers for movies are short hints at how a movie will feel. They’re sometimes mocked as commercials for commercials, but they play an important role in setting expectations. Audiences like going into a movie with an idea of what...
An entire army of foes assaults the adventurers; will they be able to survive and protect the children they’ve become responsible for? Join us as our Christmas special podcast continues in Season’s Beatings!
I would like to buy a map of Marathis’ Cradle please. Wait, this doesn’t look right. What do I mean “it doesn’t look right?”! The rainforest valley is clearly not that wide, ask anybody on the caldera’s west face!...
Hurk hurt. The dwarf struggled to his feet and adjusted his grip on his axe. His vision blurred slightly and his ears still rung from the staggering blow he’d received from the stone giant’s hammer. Hurk grimaced dodging left....