“Different players play for different reasons” is the core of this blog’s philosophy, so naturally I am interested in the topic of player motivation. As should you, GMs. I was recently reintroduced to one of the game industry’s most...
Ok, so we have a plan for how to get all of this done. Simple steps for executing them, right? Sure. But actually finding the time to sit down and blast out a bunch of words? Who has the...
As I began writing my blog two weeks ago I was certain it would be the last in this series for a while but it turned out there was more to discuss than I’d originally thought. The last blog...
“Welcome, welcome, what can I help you with today?” the old man behind the counter smiles as he looks up. “The sign outside says ‘powdered potions’ … how does that even work?” asks the traveller curiously. “Well, let me...
And now, the thrilling conclusion of Pathfinder Society’s War for the Crown tie-in scenario, Lion’s Justice! (Fascinated Ezren art by Cathy Dolan) Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20...
Hey everyone, and welcome to Iconic Design! Last week I got something I don’t often see around here—a character request! And yes, I do those! Today’s request comes from our dear Dovah Queen, who asked me to create her...
How do you create your worlds? Know Direction’s own Randal Meyer joins us to talk about his blog, and how he designs the worlds he plays in. After Ryan and Perram discuss the latest Pathfinder news.
Howdy! This week I take a look at one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Not only is he super evil, but he’s also super funny. I watched Samurai Jack a lot when I was younger and...
Fantasy stories are the stuff of legend, but how do we handle classic stereotypes which harm and demean? Today, we attempt to keep the baby while throwing out the bathwater.
“That diamond dragon, that you said didn’t exist, can only be destroyed with blades made of a harder diamond.” observed the android. “And where in the ‘verse do we get that!?” shouted the human. “Make,” the goblin replied excitedly,...