Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch, today I want to talk about atmosphere, the kind you breathe, not the “read the room” kind. In a lot of the published material in Starfinder, adventures will take place...
Being a new GM is obviously fraught with difficulties. Veteran GMs in the player-seat can be invaluable in helping the next gamemaster learn the ropes. Today we look at how to best support that new GM from the player...
With convention season upon us, I find myself randomly thinking about the various things you see at conventions and often to the various ways in which they have been portrayed on screen. I am Randal, and this week’s Terraforming...
Our adventurers adjust to their new position as popular and influential party goers. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War For The Crown...
Welcome to Iconic Design! Where I start your week off right with an exciting character build for the Pathfinder or Starfinder Roleplaying Game! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and today I’m putting together a theoretical envoy build for...
Howdy! PaizoCon is just a week away and I’m excited to be there! I hope to see many of you while I’m there. In the meanwhile, I had just one more small Marvel itch to scratch this week. The...
When your characters aren’t roleplaying or in combat, they’re probably facing a number of other obstacles impeding the progress of their objectives. Or they’re complaining about Game of Thrones in vague terms so as to not spoil it for...
Ok everyone, time to get down to some spreadsheet magic. Today we’re talking about how to balance the amount of experience and loot you provide in an adventure.
100 miles is a long distance on foot, heck, even horseback. Because you can only travel so far before you need to sleep for the night, you are going to encounter settlements at regular intervals on major roads. Quite...