Randal here, back for more Terraforming. I have previously discussed and created some asteroid based ideas/locations with goblins and dwarves to show off different ways in which asteroids can be just as useful in adventure creation. In both, I mention that...
We continue our Create Demiplanet feature by talking about what goes bump in the night on our DOOM PLANET. What is so terrible that it wrecks our solar system when it lines up with its neighbor planets? Listen Now!...
Assassination attempt! Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War For The Crown Adventure Path Roll20 products, provided by and available at Roll20.net. Syrinscape...
We continue our Create Demiplanet feature by talking about what goes bump in the night on our DOOM PLANET. What is so terrible that it wrecks our solar system when it lines up with its neighbor planets? Listen Now!...
Welcome to Iconic Design! Where I start your week off right with an exciting character build for the Pathfinder or Starfinder Roleplaying Game! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and I’m here today to tell you folks that I...
Welcome to Monster’s Physique! I’m your not-host, not-Luis Loza! You can call me Alex Augunas, the Everyman Gamer. That’s right, everyone. Our good friend Luis has fallen victim to Thanos’s snap is currently spending time with his significant other...
Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. Listener Andrew M (not to be confused with network member Andrew Marlowe) suggested I elaborate on a comment I made in Know Direction 198, where I said Nickelodeon’s 2012 Teenage...
There comes a time in every freelance author’s career when they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. A time where they think they’ll have enough time to meet all of their many commitments and get everything in on...
Hello, Randal here. I normally write Groundbreaking and Terraforming, but today I wanted to talk to you all about something very different, gaming tables. Every gaming group I have been apart of, regardless of the number of players, has...
Colorful characters, dynamic villains, surprisingly sophisticated plot lines, and Bag of Holding full of one liners, cartoons are a perfect template for a Role Playing Game campaign. Game Developer Crystal Frasier joins us for this special episode to show...