Starfinder is almost upon us! Find out what you need to know before it launches to be ready to play. Jason Keeley and Own KC Stephens from Paizo’s Starfinder team will join us to guide us to the right...
Axel, James, and Perram break down the first and most infamous of the Occult classes: The Psychic.
Troy Lavallee, Game Master of the first official Paizo podcast, The Glass Cannon, joins Ryan and Perram to discuss GMing for an audience, keeping things fun without jumping off the rails, the appeal of actual play podcasts, and growing...
We dig in deep with our review of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide. The first hardcover RPG line book to incorporate the Pathfinder Campaign setting. And boy do we have a lot to talk about.
Ryan’s back from PaizoCon to talk about all the fun news and events at the show.