Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 032 – Better Worldbuilding 101 Want to improve your homebrew setting? Curious about how other game designers publish their worlds? Come talk to three experienced RPG worldbuilders, and...
Welcome to Iconic Design, Private Sanctuary’s source for innovative and evocative character builds for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, we’re going to be looking at a build for another silly hunter build. You...
As the great Sun Tzu (probably) would have said had his great strategic treatise been about roleplaying games and not the Art of War, “If you know your players and you know yourself, and you shall be successful in one...
While Ryan and Perram are on-air, Alexander Augunas and Anthony Li aim to misbehave! Each week on Private Sanctuary off-weeks, either the Everyman Gamer or the Man Behind the Screens comes to the Private Sanctuary with a bit of...
Pathfinder and other RPG’s are a way to step outside of your usual role and into one more fantastical. You don’t want to be Seth Audit-Bane, you want to be Hakarl, Savior of Westhall and heir to the galaxy....
Welcome to Guidance, Private Sanctuary’s source for tips and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, we’re going to be talking about the spectrum of gamer attitudes. As many of my readers know,...
Know Direction, the Pathfinder news, reviews, and interviews podcast and blog network, teams up with Syrinscape, the Pathfinder licensee of the ambient sound and a movie-like soundtrack app, to bring you the Gnome Land Security Soundset Contest.
Greetings! I’m Luis Loza, freelance writer and game designer, and I wish to welcome you to the first installment of Monstrous Physique. My silly writer brain is always growing new monsters and the kind folks at the Know Direction...
Dear DovahQueen: Maybe you can give me some advice on a pathfinder game I’m hoping to start? I DMed a year long game a few years ago in a fantasy setting but I’m not sure how go on with...
Blake Davis -Paizo’s 2016 Volunteer of the Year, and the administrator of the Archives of Nethys- joins us to discuss community, content, and the god of magic.