Today’s article is dedicated to the age old tradition of lying to your friends. Or, in more eloquent terms, the Narrative Skill of Artful Deception and Misinformation. GMs have many responsibilities at the table. As judges as rules experts, we should always...
Welcome to the Private Sanctuary Podcast! This week, Alex and Anthony return from an unplanned (and totally Convention-related) hiatus in order to talk about names. What makes a good name? What makes a bad name? And more! Plus the...
“I go find the town blacksmith”, “I find the nearest alchemist shop”, “We head to the nearest Tavern”. As a Game Master I hear all of these quips from adventurers looking to make purchases or sell valuable goods. It’s...
Welcome to Guidance, Private Sanctuary’s source for tips and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, we’re going to be talking about Season 1 of Stranger Things. Its been nearly two years since...
Our Gen Con 2016 Coverage kicks off with Paizo’s Starfinder Panel! Learn all about their upcoming Science Fantasy RPG, and their plans for galactic conquest!
The stars are almost right for the release of the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. Each issue will contain a Great Old One to be unleashed upon unfortunate players and I found myself wanting to take a crack at such...
Perram and Ryan return from Gen Con with news of Starfinder, Pathfinder, and more! They talk about what the did, what they liked to see, and all that they learned at the ‘Biggest Four Days in Gaming.’
Perram and Ryan return from Gen Con with news of Starfinder, Pathfinder, and more! They talk about what the did, what they liked to see, and all that they learned at the ‘Biggest Four Days in Gaming.’
Another Gen Con has come and gone, only the sore feet and tired eyes remain. I don’t know how many Gen Cons I have attended, it has been more than 5 but not as many as 49. Every year...
Unless you were living under a rock, you probably know that this past weekend was Gen Con. The Fastest Four Days in Gaming or something like that. This year was the first time we took the entirety of Marlowe...