Check out what’s new with Obsidian Entertainment’s Pathfinder computer game projects, including the release of the Pathfinder Adventures tablet game & exciting projects still in development.
Welcome to Guidance, Private Sanctuary’s source for tips and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, I’m going to be discussing my Top 10 favorite non-kitsune races . Hello, everyone! You know, when...
Weapons are cool. With swords, hammers, spears, axes, and everything in between, there’s always some kind of weapon that matches a characters style. What happens when the weapons are tired of doing a character’s dirty work, though? What if...
With the Bestiary 6 announcement, what we thought we knew about Pathfinder’s 2017 schedule is no longer clear. Publisher Erik Mona joins us to straighten out our expectations, and tell us about the upcoming Pathfinder: Worldscape comic.
Perhaps you’ve seen the recirculating Modern Man article from 2013, How to Talk to a Woman Who is Wearing Headphones. It had been my intention to ignore this poorly conceived article, since I know that one should never attempt...
The popular “gaymer” panel discussion returns for its fifth year! We need diverse games! Join our panel of game industry professionals to discuss & share experiences about sexual & gender identity in gaming. What have you seen? What would...
Pathfinder, like D&D before it, is a direct decedent of Tolkien-esque fantasy. Humans, elves, hobbits (or halflings) travelling together on adventures. An argument could even be made that with books like the Advanced Race Guide we’re perhaps closer to...
Welcome to Guidance, Private Sanctuary’s source for tips and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, I’m going to be giving my thoughts about the potential for a new edition of the Pathfinder RPG....
It happens to every GM eventually. Whether prepping becomes too much work. Or managing players becomes too challenging. Or it becomes to hard to find the thread of the story. Burnout. That point where GMing starts to feel more like work than does...
Welcome to the Private Sanctuary Podcast! In today’s episode, Alexander Augunas welcomes Luis Loza, Paizo freelancer and writer of Know Direction’s Monstrous Physique Blog, to join him on the Private Sanctuary Podcast. Today they’re discussing a topic of Luis’s...