Gas giants aren’t the only place to have varied adventure locations. Assuming a sufficiently advanced civilization, rocky planets are just as likely to have terrestrial space stations, orbiting space stations, lunar space stations, and perhaps relay stations beyond that....
The operative is one of the most versatile and capable classes in the game. It is also one of the most controversial. Is it OP? Is it just right? And how much fun can you have building one?
After reading last week’s Protector Healer by Vanessa, I started thinking about my recent witch PC, primarily his role as the party healer in Rise of the Runelords. He was *not* a front liner, but did he have range!...
As is my wont with this blog, I’m slowly statting up my childhood. This time around, I’m hopping back to 1997 to take a look at Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars for you Europeans). This is a game I...
Ever seen an encounter with a flying creature or underwater and wish it just wasn’t there? Ever wonder why? A lot of it has to do with the shift from abstract rules to codified rules. ABSTRACT vs CODIFIED Pathfinder...
Lets get back to talking about adventures in the general sense. One thing that occurred to me is how much the intersection of setting, genre, and theme affects the premise of your adventure. Between the four of them, they...
Sandboxes are all about the “freedom” that the PCs have to adventure, discover, and interact with a given environment entirely at their whim. It also includes adventures, encounters, and plots that the party just isn’t ready to handle yet....
In February I began what has turned into an irregular mini-series of inspirational prompts for GMs to use in their campaigns. This week I bring you the third installment of prompts, this time they’re less generally weird and more...
Hello Pathfinders! This week I’m pitching in to the Iconic Design blog to talk about one of my favorite builds, the kineticist healer! But not just any healer, this one specializes in also protecting their allies as a front-line...
I’m still on a big Spider-Man kick. (I just recently got 100% on my game!) When I was younger, my two favorite Spider-Man villains were the symbiotes. I already touched upon my favorite of the two, Venom, last week....