The always-open tables of Pathfinder Society are great for helping players get into games more accessibly, but a lot of that ease comes from limitations—limitations that are less prevalent in an Adventure Path. Today we look at ways to...
When looking at creating a sci-fi fantasy sandbox, take a loot at how you would accomplish the feel you want in traditional fantasy, and then try ways to adapt that to space. Thus, dwarven mines become an asteroid field...
The heroes take the briefest of breathers after their last fight when they hear the pitter patter of tiny feet heading their way. Doodle to amuse her friends by Cathy Dolan Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of...
Alex will try to convince us that the Pact Worlds, the only hope of safety and security for the system, is in fact a Corporate Dystopia! Is he right? If he is, is that a bad thing?
The brawls never end here at Monstrous Physique! This week, I continue collecting my Smash Bros. characters and take a look at a much beloved character. I have good memories of the Mega Man series. It’s not one that...
Hero Points were formally introduced into Pathfinder as an optional rule in the Advanced Player’s Guide (obligatory shout out to the APG and all Pathfinder’s success as a system owes to it). On top of being codified as an...
Whisked off to a strange and terrifying version of the mansion, our heroes turned children must unite with their strange new friend and the children they were charged in protecting in order to survive the horrors ahead. Will they...
Adventures are interesting in that the difficulty of the game is generally set by the author, then adjusted by the GM. After all, a GM is the arbiter at the table and can remove monsters, choose not to use...
A human, halfling, orc, and dire wolf walk into a druidic circle … which does the halfling eat first? Selected by druids, this eclectic bunch of rangers enforces the natural order, but how do they get along with each...
Back in 2002, I had a friend who worked in a movie theater. Just before the official release of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets he invited several of our friends to the staff’s late night screening of...