Randal here, back for more Terraforming. This week, I want to take a look at designing a world that is more trap than adventure location. The common comparison of space travel to sea voyages proves to be very helpful...
Writer’s Block Confessional This week when I sat down to write my blog my brain quit. I had too many ideas and no ideas. My ideas were like trying to catch the tide in your hands. Ideas would crash...
Greetings! This week was full of exciting Pokémon news. A new trailer for what looks to be a fun movie came out and there’s also the great news about a new set of games in the main series. All...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch, today I want to talk about evolution. Not the 2001 David Duchovny film, but the scientific theory of evolution. In doing some work for the next parts of our Create...
Adapting to a new group isn’t always easy, and it can be especially tough when you’re a *cough* rules lawyer *cough*. Today we help a “knowledgeable” PFS GM integrate into a home game.
When planning a trip through the desert, you generally concern yourself with three priorities: water, food, and, shade. While water and food certainly top that list, I think many people would happily go without food (and a little water)...
With the crown fallen, our adventurers move on to the Taldan county of Meratt, and our players move onto War for the Crown Book 2: Songbird, Scion, Saboteur. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network....
Sometimes the only protection that will do has rockets on the shoulders. We talk about Powered Armor in Starfinder, why you’d use it, how to use it, and some builds that would enjoy the chance.
A cornerstone of any great adventure is a great villain. When writing you adventure, you should determine early on the type or types of adversaries you’re going to feature in your adventure. Lets look at some of the most...