I’m a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series, The Legend of Korra. I’m currently watching through ATLA again while stuck at home and I’ve been thinking about giving the series some stat block love, so I looked...
I’ve been wanting to showcase some artists and their art for a while. Sometimes we look to our artists for joy, entertainment and other times for memorialization or social commentary. They inspire and sometimes they teach. They bring to...
I had the chance to chat with Amanda Hamon, an ENnie Award-winning freelance RPG writer, designer, developer and editor who co-created the Starfinder roleplaying game and currently is Managing Developer for Starfinder at Paizo! We talked about how she...
Hello, wonderful readers! One thing I’ve always enjoyed was the universe of World of Warcraft. Sure, it’s super trope heavy and the in-game story has always been very broad-strokes in order to appeal to the widest possible audience, but...
*knock knock* “Hold your horses” shouts a woman, getting up from a meal she just down to eat. As she reaches for the door her guest knocks again … *knock knock* … “I said …” she starts as she...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren take a look at the primal spell list. Follow along as they showcase primal spell casters from pop culture, provide their own unique primal spell “builds,” list of their favorite...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
With the Crabbe family drama settled and the recipient of Idonia’s letter long dead, our adventurous heroes break the letter’s seal to see where it takes them. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network....