Due to concerns with the direction of 2018’s Pathfinder releases, the Know Direction network was leaked a list of products that will be announced at this year’s PaizoCon by a source at Paizo who wishes to remain anonymous (thanks...
On this Fighting Friday, the monsters wander deep into the earth. This week’s Wandering Monsters features an all-too-familiar location, the dark cavern. Caves and underground locales are all the rage when adventuring as they hold the creepiest creatures, strange...
We’ve talked at length and with love about Syrinscape, the interactive audio engine that adds encounter-specific, movie-quality soundtracks to your gaming sessions. We teamed up with them to create a unique soundset about a certain chimera attacking a gnome village called Gnomeland Security....
The term “special snowflake” is often leveled pejoratively at characters whose wacky design doesn’t quite fit into the confines of a narrative’s setting, campaign, or background. This broad definition can be specifically applied to strange or out of place character concepts...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “recursion” and was suggested by Peter. So, recursion. The repeated application...
Coming back from a gaming convention this weekend we got into a conversation about Pathfinder, surprising no one. What did come up was a question I wasn’t prepared to answer, “If you could cast any first level spell from...
As you all recall, I made a promise to try and do up-to-date builds with new material whenever possible this year, so today I’m going to fulfill that promise by constructing a character using the all-new Monster Hunter’s Handbook....
Welcome again to Fighting Friday where I have another monster for you! By request, I have yet another video game character for you. This time, we return to an arcade classic, Bubble Bobble! The heroes, Bub and Bob, are...
Dice are a nearly universal constant in board games and table top role playing games. There are a few diceless systems, such as Amber (out of print) and Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, or Dread which uses a Jenga tower...
Third Party People talks to the people behind the third party publishers that innovate new options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and provide hungry young freelancers a venue. Today I speak with Russ Brown, owner of Rusted Iron Games....