Welcome again to Fighting Friday where I have another monster for you! By request, I have yet another video game character for you. This time, we return to an arcade classic, Bubble Bobble! The heroes, Bub and Bob, are...
Dice are a nearly universal constant in board games and table top role playing games. There are a few diceless systems, such as Amber (out of print) and Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, or Dread which uses a Jenga tower...
Third Party People talks to the people behind the third party publishers that innovate new options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and provide hungry young freelancers a venue. Today I speak with Russ Brown, owner of Rusted Iron Games....
I’ve talked a lot about kit-bashing Pathfinder, whether it was for heading to the stars in early preparation for Starfinder or for playing in the world of Supernatural. Today I want to begin talking about changing the game’s mechanics...
For the past two months, I’ve been doing a series on freelancer marketability, and for today’s article, I really grappled with whether or not I should cover both of the final two “aspects” of freelancer marketability that we haven’t...
This week’s Wandering Monsters continues underground. This time, we head into the sewers. Adventures in sewers are rather common and rather than present a whole sewer system, I have instead created just a small section of the waste network....
It’s been exactly a week since Paizo, Inc. announced its plans for the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild (SFSRPG for short), an organized play program that takes place in the distant future of the Pathfinder Campaign setting. In the next few...
Last article I presented the question “should enchantment spells be considered evil?” I presented Pathfinders Wheel of Morality (that dang alignment chart), presented Pathfinders definition of an enchantment spell, and wrote about what evil actually is. After examining all...
When you heard that I was doing a build using Psychic Anthology, I’m sure you thought that I’d be using this build to plug my own contributions to the game. But surprise! You were WRONG! I’m using this build...
We delve back into the realm of Final Fantasy to bring another staple of the series: moogles! These cute little creatures are just as iconic as chocobos, if not more so. Moogles are found throughout the worlds of the...