On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren take a leap of faith and look into one of Pathfinder’s deities: Gorum! They discuss the nature of Gorum and his faith, discuss whether each class is a good fit...
John chatted with Emerald City Lodge Venture Captain Jocelyn Hamilton about becoming the first GM to achieve both 5 Glyph status for Pathfinder 2e and 5 Nova status for Starfinder, as well as her extensive collection of Roll20 tables...
We say goodbye to Perram after his 12 years of unbelievably outstanding service growing Know Direction to the network it is today. Ryan Costello joins Vanessa and Luis to reminisce about Know Direction’s history, the state of the network,...
Or maybe I could even call this: In Defense of Memes. Is this an appropriate venue for an embarrassing confession? If I had read this article when I first started playing roleplaying games, I likely would have rolled my...
Traveling a mere few miles, our Adventurous Heroes unmask the villain. But what follows, no one expected. Listen Now! (mp3) Young and Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. GM Scott D Young brings the old Adventurous...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
John and Ron discuss the upcoming new release of Spelljammer for 5e and how it compares with Starfinder, plus a little Drift Crisis, and even a little travel info! Listen Now!
In episode 37 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Christopher Ryan Chan, one of the co-designers and the illustrator of the Night Cage published by Smirk & Dagger Games. We discuss creating a narrative when...
Another day slaving over a hot stove, and another day of rude customers. Landrig’s diner always was a pain to run. Low on staff, high on turnover, and stuck in a remarkably undesirable neighborhood. There wasn’t much money, so...
Members of the Know Direction staff wish Perram luck as he leaves the Network to pursue his passions. Alex Augunas I’m not really sure what to say to you that hasn’t already been said. You and Ryan were one...