As is common with roleplaying games, Essence20 GMs and players need to parse the meaning behind some unclear rules. Do they use the rules as written (R.A.W.) even if they have reason to believe something is wrong? Do they try...
It’s a big day for Know Direction staff making RPG career moves. Congratulations to two longtime Know Direction staff members Vanessa Hoskins and Dustin Knight, both hosts and members of the Know Direction board of directors, who each announced...
Jason and John discuss writing Starfinder adventures, with Jason walking through his process for crafting the Junker’s Delight stand alone adventure. Listen Now!
This episode of Behind The Screens is called “Bluey Rules”. And yes, I’ll get to the RPG advice for Game Masters eventually. But first! For those unfortunate enough to be uninformed, Bluey is an Australian animated series about an...
It’s been a long night at the bar and you’ve had a few more than you planned, plus a couple extra. A few clumsy steps out onto the sidewalk assure you that it’s a sloppy kind of manageable. Unfortunately,...
In episode 48 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Molly Zeff a co-owner of Flying Leap Games and co-designer of Million Dollar Doodle, a semi-collaborative entrepreneurship-themed drawing party game. She took an idea her friends...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
Our heroes discover the destination of a strange signal emitting from the tower – and things are looking to go from bad to worse! Listen Now!(mp3) The GM is Ron Lundeen, an employee of Wizards of the Coast, whose...
“The Kingmaker Adventure Path originally appeared in Pathfinder Adventure Path #31–36. While those who have played that version of the campaign will find familiar elements within these pages, much has changed. We’ve added to the beginning and ending, as...
John chatted UK based freelance writer and game developer David N. Ross about his work converting Paizo Adventure Paths to D&D 5e and the challenges of being a full time freelancer. **Warning** Audio is rough as I had difficulty...