Ryan and Jason breakdown the design and development of the crossover adventure included in the Field Guide to Action and Adventure as well as this year’s Free RPG Day adventure, Cobra/Con Fusion. Listen Now! (mp3) Featuring Letter From Snake Eyes part...
“Close your eyes and imagine a magician drawing upon ancient forces and casting a spell, bringing magic into the world. What spell do they cast? When you think of magic, what do you see? Conjured torrents, exploding fireballs, pillars...
On this episode of Legend Lore, jess and Loren look over the leshy ancestry from Pathfinder Second Edition! They explore the leshy’s roots in folklore, just how leshies are created in Golarion, and examine the many different types of...
Join us on our continued adventure for the Quest for the Frozen Flame! In this drama filled episode, tasks are assigned, wildlife is wrangled, and the crew is presented with a moral dilemma that will decide if fellow hunters...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, as the director of operations, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of the...
Jason shares his thoughts and process for writing Golarion World for the recently released Starfinder Ports of Call hardcover. Listen Now! Our special guest today is Ron Lundeen, an employee of Wizards of the Coast, whose opinions are his...
Pathfinder Creative Director Luis Loza talks with Esther and Navaar about Lost Omens: Highhelm, the most dwarf-centric Pathfinder product ever. Also available in writing.
Esther: Hello and welcome to Know Direction, your number one source for Pathfinder news, reviews, and interviews. I’m Esther. Navaar: And I’m Navaar. Esther: And today, we have returning to the show former Know Direction co-host and current Creative...
Pathfinder has always been a game with an abundance of classes. With twenty-two options (and a new one on the way!) I’d say we’re eating pretty good. But looking back at the absolute banquet of choices in first edition...