The Order of the Amber Die take their gaming session to the next level every time they play. With a focus on doing marathon, multi-day sessions, they do entire AP volumes in one go, and then some! Their adventures...
The Order of the Amber Die take their gaming session to the next level every time they play. With a focus on doing marathon, multi-day sessions, they do entire AP volumes in one go, and then some! Their adventures...
With the Bestiary 6 announcement, what we thought we knew about Pathfinder’s 2017 schedule is no longer clear. Publisher Erik Mona joins us to straighten out our expectations, and tell us about the upcoming Pathfinder: Worldscape comic. Edit: There...
Over the course of this blog, I’ve talked a lot about the flexibility of the Pathfinder rules, but much of that discussion was focused solely on how the GM can leverage that flexibility to run exactly the campaign she’d...
How do you write a comic book? Join panelists Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, and James L. Sutter, as they discuss the ins and outs of writing the Pathfinder comic series from Dynamite. Learn the secrets of creating memorable...
Welcome to Guidance, Private Sanctuary’s source for tips and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, we’re going to be talking about growing your character through roleplaying. Everyone loves a good story, roleplayers...
Welcome to Iconic Design, Private Sanctuary’s source for innovative and evocative character builds for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, written by Everyman Gamer Alexander Augunas. Today, we’re going to be looking at a build for Darkwing Duck. I am the...
Today’s blog post is less a piece of advice and more an RPG-related experience that I wanted to share. It happened over the weekend. And it reminded me of why I love this game so much. This story begins,...
Welcome to the Private Sanctuary Podcast! In today’s episode, Anthony Li—the Man Behind the Screens—is back in business after a month-long siesta! Joined by cohost Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, today the pair is discussing the ninth-of-tenth of the...
A few days ago I started to finalize the backstory and properties of my newest Pathfinder character, an Elf Paladin. After I got her backstory down and her build laid out I went to the core rulebook to look...