In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “apprehend” as suggested by Quo. Today’s keyword immediately reminded me of...
Hello, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to talk about the consistency of rules in fictional settings. By rules I don’t necessarily mean nitty-gritty mechanics, but I do mean predictability and the ability to...
Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing last Monday; I was still at Gen Con 50 at the time. (James and I drove home last Monday, and I didn’t have time to get an article up.) By now I’m sure you’ve...
Whether you’re interested in writing adventures for publication, or just want to create memorable adventures for your home game, come learn the secrets of good adventure design from Paizo’s master adventure designers. We’ll talk about plotting, encounter creation, the...
I’m a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series, The Legend of Korra. In addition to being well-written series with lots great characters and amazing action, they also feature a lot of interesting creatures. Some...
Just got the Starfinder Core Rulebook & are unsure where to start? Join in a workshop with Paizo developers where they discuss character choices & how to create an effective Starfinder hero. Seminar recorded at Gen Con 2017, presented...
Gen Con 2017 is now just fading treasured memories of celebrating 50 years of gaming with friends, family, fans, and complete strangers who love the same things we do. As in years past, Gen Con 2017 was full of...
Gen Con has come and gone, but we’re not done just yet! Ryan and Perram are joined by Pathfinder community members Lucas Servideo and Bob Jonquet to talk about the joys and triumphs that was Gen Con 50. There...