Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to talk about an attribute. Not cunning, guile, or bravery, I’m talking 3D6 drop the lowest attribute. The attribute in question is Charisma and I want to...
As one might expect, I have a lot of friends who are Pathfinder players, what being a Venture-Agent and all that. One of my friends (he was actually our healer in our now-complete Reign of Winter group) loves making...
We are keeping things classic this week. Over the last few months, I’ve been playing Super Mario Odyssey. The series’ villain, Bowser, seemed like the perfect candidate for stating up. He’s a big scary lizard and I know that...
Maps! I love maps, maps of towns, countries, floor plans, buildings, caves, space ships, if you can draw it, I love it. I have loved maps for as long as I can remember. I remember getting graph paper and...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “Singleton” as suggested by Peter. Peter’s suggestions were technical and tied...
Today, I’m presenting a miscellany of three mini blogs. Why three mini blogs? Why not expand each one out to a full length and pad out my content? Well, two are time sensitive and only came to my attention...
On Friday, January 12th, James and I lost a close friend. He was the manager of the FLGS that I ran Pathfinder Society out of, and a member of my Strange Aeons campaign. For those who knew him, Howard...
Earlier this week, due to a silly bit of joking around, I ended up watching Predator for the first time ever in my life! What a travesty! That movie is just pure fun, 80’s action. I would highly recommend...
I have declared on the podcast on a number of occasions that making players roll their damage dice with their to-hit dice to save time is the worst commonly given advice to GMs. However, before today, I haven’t articulated...