We’ve all had it happen at least once. Your character died before their prime. They still had so much left to accomplish and so many feats left to pick up. Let’s talk about how we can make character death...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to talk about Starfinder and generations. When I say generation, I don’t mean family generations but cohort generations. Generation X and the Greatest Generation are examples of...
What happens when your initial concept or description of something doesn’t jive with the actual idea you choose to develop? You go with the better idea while improvising a retcon, including reasons for the disparity, or simply saying “oops!”...
After redistributing a fallen foe’s titles, is there light at the end of the tunnel for our heroes? Listen Now! (mp3) Know Direction: Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop...
Welcome to Guidance! Last week I said I was going to do an Iconic Design this week, a pirate build for Starfinder. Well, sad to say that isn’t happening. You see, I went to Disney World at the end...
I’m a fan of spooky things. Scary games, scary movies, scary unsolved mysteries that keep me up at night while I ponder just what might have happened. They’re great! It’s part of the reason I like monsters as much...
Foreshadowing is a very important element in narratives, and the same goes for storytelling through adventures. It helps the players and their PCs know what to expect, gives them hints about future encounters, helps set the tone of the...
Have you ever wanted to see a bear with a duck bill? A hamster with a scorpion tail? Have you considered replacing your arms with wings? Just like any major purchase, you should try it before you buy it!...
Welcome back to Burst of Insight, lately, I’ve been talking about running blockbuster games but this week I’d like to shift gears and talk about some of the games I’m currently apart of (or have been in relatively recently)...