Plot twists and surprises are a hallmark of narrative storytelling, but they can be tricky in a game environment. An author or GM doesn’t have complete control over when a plot twist will reveal itself, depending on the actions...
First off, a special thanks to Monica for letting me use her blog to share my feelings with you today. One of the reasons I love role-playing games so much is that you get to pretend to be all...
I’m fighting a bit of a bug so I thought I’d tackle something lighter today. Back in February, I presented eight…well, ultimately ten weird prompts for GMs. It was a fun exercise worth revisiting and a not too complex...
Over the millenia, creatures have had their share of beliefs that closely follow the process of life to death. When contacted to create a moon retreat for a religion that completes the circle from death back to life World...
From time to time, there is downtime in an adventure. A chance for adventurers to sit together around the campfire, catch up, and get to know each other better. Likewise, from time to time, the cast of Adventurous will...
Welcome to Iconic Design! Paizo’s third hardcover for Starfinder, Starfinder RPG: Pact Worlds, has a surprising amount of cool new content for players hidden in its pages, and one of the most significant places that this lies in is...
Paizo Inc.‘s Mark Seifter joins us to talk about Pathfinder 2e Playtest bard, now a full 10 level occult spellcaster with a slew of compositions under their belt. Has Lem stolen his brother’s shoes? even if neither of them...
Last time on the Starfinder edition of Monstrous Physique, I headed back to the Citadel to keep statting up more aliens from the awesome game series. This week is no difference. As I feel like I’m a kind of...
GM like a PM is a new, three-part series that introduces Project Management concepts to RPGs to facilitate our job as Game Masters. The second installment is about reviewing sessions to verify that player and Game Master goals are...