The Adventure Path development team takes a close look at the epic battles of the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path and previews the mysteries and perils of the Tyrant’s Grasp, the final First Edition Adventure Path! We’ll also...
This week, I’m going back to another beloved series that I’ve touched on before. I statted up beloved bounty hunter Samus Aran at the start of the year, as well as her common enemies the metroids. Although Samus can...
Interested in contributing creative material to the Pathfinder or Starfinder Roleplaying Games? Would you love to have your adventures, monsters, or game ideas published by Paizo? Professional game editors and developers share secrets to effective game writing and chart...
Come hear about the next evolution of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! The designers of the game will talk about what you can expect in the Pathfinder Playtest, what new rules are in store, and where the game goes from...
GMing can be a thankless job, especially when done right. We are the producers and directors of this game we play and this play we game. We are the supporting actors. Even when we run published adventures, we add...
Get tips directly from the Pathfinder Playtest design team on how to build effective characters in the new system with this step-by-step group character creation session!
Last time on Craft (Adventure), we looked a some of the major changes in PF2 based on the playtest. However, we forgot one of the major changes to the game that directly impact adventure writing: Encounter Mode, Exploration Mode,...