We’ve been talking reboots, specifically a Fallout reboot to tabletop. Whether you are running the new Modiphius Fallout RPG or like me are planning on hacking your system of choice to deliver an authentic feeling campaign through the Commonwealth...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
I get a lot of people telling me to “stick to game design.” Usually, these are people who are extremely comfortable ramming their political opinions down people’s throats. But I haven’t gotten that from many Pathfinder fans. You folks...
People are always looking for a familiar feeling; the brain learns to repeat patterns of neural activity that elicit the all-important “feel-good” sensation. This translates into every aspect of our daily activities; music, hobbies, politics, and even personal values,...
This being longtime Know Direction staff member Luis Loza’s first time on Geek Together, he wanted to throwback to the old GT days with an episode zero, unlocking the secrets of his geeky origins. From there, he and Ryan...
What makes a horror soundtrack work? What makes your skin crawl? What makes you want to glance around behind you, just in case? Sound has incredible power to cue unconscious, subliminal, involuntary reflexes that are as ancient as homo...
Author’s note: I am using “SFF” to encapsulate the ever-wider world of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, movies, and more. It’s a huge field, and typing all that out really takes away from the punchy lines I was going for....
Hello! I’m Aaron Shanks, Paizo’s Marketing and Media Manager, and I’d like to thank Know Direction for inviting me to share who I am, what I do, and how you can support me. Who am I? I started playing...
Hello! My name is Darran Caldemeyer and some of you may know me as the person behind the PaizoCon Countdown as well as an integrated member of the Know Direction Community. I have been enjoying and playing in TTRPG’s...