John and Ron talk about writing and running Starfinder encounters, including why and how they differ depending on the goals of the author and developer. Listen Now!(mp3)
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
The barony has a new baroness, and she’s here for the people! NOTE: Don’t let the release date play 2020 with your calendar: This episode is early. We’re doing it as a favour to our sponsors, whose Kickstarter ends on...
“Riddleport is the third-largest city in Varisia and is a haven for pirates and sea-faring brigands, who find themselves far to the north of the Arch of Aroden. Teeming with criminals and rogues of all kinds, Riddleport is full...
It’s episode 5 and our Valiant heroes have made it back to Altameda to enjoy some downtime. Ev tries to learn more about the group’s new abilities, Sarna keeps an ear out for rumors, Seren looks to fix up...
Hello, readers! Originally I wasn’t going to do an Iconic Design post today, but my plan to do a Teenaged Wasteland post today got thrown out of the window because I got really sick with some Not-COVID virus last...
Anyone who has followed my articles here since the guest blog takeover might remember my use of the heroic trait. I’ve since used it once more describing my Glimpse of Power variant rules, where PCs can spend hero points...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren talk about the serious matter of death and dying in Pathfinder Second Edition. They explain different the different ways characters can die, the process for recovering from dying, ways to...