A discussion of techniques that can be used to build new, interesting, & exciting. Do you alter history or do you redesign a whole new world? Learn how to get the most out of your world building. Presentors: Ajit...
Welcome to the Private Sanctuary Podcast! This week, Alex and Anthony return from an unplanned (and totally Convention-related) hiatus in order to talk about names. What makes a good name? What makes a bad name? And more! Plus the...
Our Gen Con 2016 Coverage kicks off with Paizo’s Starfinder Panel! Learn all about their upcoming Science Fantasy RPG, and their plans for galactic conquest!
Perram and Ryan return from Gen Con with news of Starfinder, Pathfinder, and more! They talk about what the did, what they liked to see, and all that they learned at the ‘Biggest Four Days in Gaming.’
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 054 – Endless Adventures: Reskinning Pathfinder Interested in running a steampunk Pathfinder game? How about a Pathfinder modern game? Or Pathfinder in space? Pathfinder superheroes? Discuss tips and...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 052 – Advanced Mapping Techniques Ready to move your Pathfinder RPG game online? Join experienced GMs to discuss the art of running games using a variety of virtual...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 050 – Secrets of Golarion Paizo’s top storytellers reveal the mysteries behind the Pathfinder campaign setting, from conspiracies you never new existed to the real story behind that...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 053 – Virtual Gaming: Running RPGs Online Ready to move your Pathfinder RPG game online? Join experienced GMs to discuss the art of running games using a variety...
Welcome to the Know Direction podcast network’s PaizoCon 2016 seminar coverage! 051 – Ask the Paizo GMs Paizo’s most experienced in-house Game Masters reveal their best game mastering secrets and help you troubleshoot your Pathfinder campaign. Speakers: Jason Bulmahn,...