Things at the Know Direction get a bit… silly at times. The short story is that Ryan mentioned human/horse wrestling and things just kind of took off from there. Being the fan of all things lycanthropic that I am,...
I’m taking a bit of a break from world-building this week to stew on some ideas. So instead I thought that I’d bring forward a different collection of thoughts that I’ve had on the back burner. It should come as little...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “leech” as suggested by Nick V. Now I’m not qualified to...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch where today we’ll be going to Hell and beyond. Fiends are numerous in Pathfinder, so much so that you can’t even talk an evening stroll through the Abyss without being...
So this past week, I had an Everyman Gaming product earn a rating of 5 Stars + Seal of Approval from Endzeitgeist, an acclaimed and trusted reviewer of 3rd Party content. Now, this isn’t my first high-marks rating from...
Note: This article has the slightest of spoilers for the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path. If you would prefer not see a very basic version of a map from about halfway through the AP, you might want to avoid reading...
I wrote this blog just prior to Paizo’s 2014 RPG Superstar contest. I’m resharing it this week for two reasons, writing this week’s blog was trickier to schedule than I originally planned and because I needed to hear this...
The dungeon has been a classic staple of table-top gaming ever since people have been throwing d20s at character sheets, but has it outlived its usefulness? Today we discuss how to breathe life back into that traditional dungeon formula...
By now everyone interested in Starfinder has probably gotten their hands on a print or PDF copy of Starfinder First Contact Paizo’s Free RPG Day release this year. We knew Starfinder was going to be a whole new game...
It’s been a few weeks since I switched my blog’s format from a rotation-style to a “do-what-I-want” style, and so far I haven’t regretted it. But when I made the switch, it came with the caveat that I would...