We all have had that player get a little “too” into their character. Today we discuss how to keep the game from being derailed without telling your players to sit down and shut up.
Right now, I’m playing Pathfinder but not running a regular campaign. I am however, planning a new campaign and as a result house rules have been on my mind again but specifically, house rules involving hit points. In many...
Hey Know Direction fans! So last week I took some time to sit down and name five things I really liked about Starfinder (my “boons”) and one thing I didn’t like (my “bust”). Now, for the sake of being...
I’m back it at it again with the pocket monsters. You may remember my previous Pokémon entry in celebration of the game’s latest release. This time, I made sure the most famous Pokémon had the share of the spotlight....
Sooner or later, every GM will be faced with a kind of question that brings their gaming session to a screeching halt. They sound something like this: “Where are we, again?” “Wait… What’s going on?” “Remind me… Who are...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “apprehend” as suggested by Quo. Today’s keyword immediately reminded me of...
Hello, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to talk about the consistency of rules in fictional settings. By rules I don’t necessarily mean nitty-gritty mechanics, but I do mean predictability and the ability to...
Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing last Monday; I was still at Gen Con 50 at the time. (James and I drove home last Monday, and I didn’t have time to get an article up.) By now I’m sure you’ve...
I’m a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series, The Legend of Korra. In addition to being well-written series with lots great characters and amazing action, they also feature a lot of interesting creatures. Some...