Earlier this week, due to a silly bit of joking around, I ended up watching Predator for the first time ever in my life! What a travesty! That movie is just pure fun, 80’s action. I would highly recommend...
I have declared on the podcast on a number of occasions that making players roll their damage dice with their to-hit dice to save time is the worst commonly given advice to GMs. However, before today, I haven’t articulated...
Dear DovahQueen: One of my players misses a lot, about once a month. My GM and all the other players are all right with this situation, and I am too, except for one thing: keeping them up to date....
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. To start of 2018, I wanted to do something a little different. I was inspired by the game site Polygons way of doing the typical “Game of the Year” schpeal....
Boy do I love me some Overwatch. I think it should be pretty obvious, considering I’ve already statted up one of its characters. I’ve received requests to stat up some of the other characters, such as my personal favorite,...
Welcome to 2018 everyone! I hope your holidays were fun and recharging. I had hoped to report that mine were because I’d spent tons of time with friends and family, gaming and socializing, but while I did get to...
How do you get to the juicy parts of your story without the boring middle-parts. Today’s DDQ looks at keeping a story engaging from the beginning of a session to the end.
For the last two installments of Burst of Insight, I’ve been talking about rebuilding the fighter class. This week I give you a ready to playtest version of the class. Now, my goal was not to reinvent the whole...
I ended up putting a Pathfinder Society credit on my brawler, Marcellus, this weekend after I ran PFS 9-10: Signs in Senghor. While I was skimming through potential feats for him to see if anything new came up since...
Happy new year! Things are really changing for me in 2018. While I have to deal with my yearly struggle of writing the wrong year on my dates for a few weeks, there is one thing of particular note...