Randal asked me to take a look at his submission for the Designfinder contest and I figured I would go full developer on this thing. I’m hoping to tear this thing apart and show what works and what doesn’t,...
As is life’s way, mine has led me to an opportunity that I cannot pass up if I am to follow my chosen field as a professional cleric. Sadly this new appointment will prevent me from having the time...
We’ve come up with the plot, NPCs, encounters, and names… now what? We need to write the darn thing. This can be one of the hardest parts of writing an adventure because it’s the part that feels the most...
With the announcement of Design Finder 2018, many writers, players, and games masters put forth their best efforts at making the Top 16. As somebody who is at least two of those, and aspires to be all three, I...
When you don’t want to start your entertainment empire from the ground up, you buy yourself a winning sports team. If you aren’t a fan of that sport, what is your next option? You invent a brand new sport!...
Two weeks ago I began talking about using blockbuster style cameos and crossovers in your campaign. In the MCU, Marvel studios began by using cameos that hinted to future interconnectivity. A few characters, like Nick Fury and Agent Coulson,...
Welcome to Guidance! People seem to love playing characters who don’t fit into the conventional mold. They want to be a bard that does huge amounts of damage, a fighter that inspires allies, or a cleric that unleashes fireballs...
As a kid, I only had Nintendo consoles (Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64) at home, but I was well aware of what the competition was doing. Luckily for me, my neighbor had a Sega Genesis and I would go over...
Oh good, you didn’t see “wrestling” in the title and the image of two sweaty near-naked men and think today’s blog wasn’t for you. Yes, wrestling is however you feel about it and this blog post is not going...
2nd Edition is fast approaching. Should you go ahead and start that new adventure path or wait for the new edition so you don’t have to start over? Today we look at how difficult it would be to just...