I remember getting asked to write my first Pathfinder adventure. It was the Pathfinder Society Scenario 6-18 From Under Ice. I must have spent 80+ hours writing that thing to make sure every last aspect was as perfect as...
This is a blog post I’ve wanted to write for some time, I even touched on it briefly in my, Thoughts on Design post from this past May. Now, I finally decided to take the risk and post...
Members of the Know Direction Network staff will periodically addresses hotly debated questions posed by the community. This week’s question comes from TheJokerPlays on the Know Direction Discord channel. I’d love to read your take on writing stuff into...
This week I continue my (apparent) goal of translating as many Smash Bros. characters to Pathfinder. Pokemon was an important game growing up for me and I remember how awesome I felt once I had a chance to enter...
c Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch, today I want to talk about the spell Awaken. In the wake of Starfinders Uplifted Bears, I started thinking about how I could “creatively use” Awakened animals in my...
Two years of blood, sweat, and tears invested in one campaign can make for a fantastic story, but you know what they say about “all good things.” Today, we look some ways of using the last session to give...
In addition to planets, there are plenty of other things in space that we can mine for adventure. In addition to the biggest gas giants and the rockiest of solid planets, let us use the remains of failed planets....
Ever since the magus showed up on the scene, combat magic hasn’t really been the same. While the magus isn’t able to bring down the full force of a pure arcane caster, the arcanist has tricks up its sleeve....
Perram here, subbing in for Luis for this week’s Monstrous Physique. On the recent Know Direction: Beyond, we celebrated Halloween by each creating a monster for the season using the Alien Builder rules for Starfinder. Again I was impressed...
In RPGs, there are two basic structures for an adventure: linear and non-linear. The GameMastery Guide (pg. 36) also includes unrestricted, but I see this as a variation of non-linear. So what are these adventure structures and what considerations...