Ryan Costello Archive

    Alex Augunas & Ryan Costello were quickly live blogging our PaizoCon announcements! And since I’m stuck here at home, I’m pulling them all into this thread! We will have FULL video and audio of the banquet up soon, but...
    Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast
    Paizo’s Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge and developer John Compton and give us the scoop on Pathfinder Society’s new seeker arc. Plus, we go over the huge news stories from the GAMA trade show.Jeez, Paizo releases one (well, two)...
    Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast
    Paizo has taken its first vile steps into their first evil Adventure Path, Hell’s Vengeance. In honor of all this evil, we have Stephen Radney-MacFarland on to talk about playing evil characters, running evil campaigns, and how the upcoming...