Throughout the night, we’ll be ushering in the new year (or, more appropriately, ushering out the old one) and catching up with by network members: John Godek, James Ballod, Alex Augunas, Owen KC Stephens, Vanessa Hoskins, Cathy Dolan, Loren...
Green Ronin gets a lot of talk on the network, and not just their Pathfinder content. We sit down with network members Crystal Frasier and Owen KC Stephens, who work for Green Ronin, as well as Green Ronin’s Steve...
Can Alexa be your Starfinder GM? What is it like to play Starfinder with just your voice? Can high production values and voice acting make up for a lack of a flesh and blood GM? Join Perram, Vanessa, Ryan...
It is debatable whether Michael Sayre’s skills as a developer are over-powered. What’s not debatable is the Michael Sayre is the Organized Play Developer. He joins us to talk about his Path to Pathfinder, taking over organized play development,...
Starfinder Design Lead, Owen KC Stephens, joins us to talk about the state of the game, the upcoming Starfinder Armory book, and more.