Jason and John talk about the relationship between the various Starfinder adventure paths and hardcovers, and how ideas get pitched and developed in the Star Chamber. Listen Now!
Longtime fans of myself and the network know we’ve celebrated and extolled the virtues of diversity basically as long as we’ve been podcasting. But it’s not just the sociological, representational, empathetic, and basic human decency aspects of diversity that we...
Vanessa, Luis, and guest co-host Randal Meyer review the psychic as part of a Dark Archive sneak preview event Pathfinder content creators participated in. Find out all about the far seeing new Pathfinder 2e class!
Readers who are familiar with my recent works know that I’m a fan of diving head first into controversial topics to see just how much fun I can get out of playing it to the hilt. In fact, I...
In episode 40 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Jeff Chin and Andrew Nerger about their game Canvas which was a component first design. Inspired by translucent cards Jeff and Andrew worked to get creative...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
As our heroes explore the disconcerting bio-dungeon, they are attacked by a suit of animated armor! Listen Now!(mp3) *The GM is Ron Lundeen, an employee of Wizards of the Coast, whose opinions are his own.
This article got a pretty rapid transformation due to some not so great things (people?) getting attention in the past few weeks. Actually I kind of felt bad to have my last article come out right when some not-so-great...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren take a look at the Second Edition’s magus. Follow along as they break down the magus class features, present their own magus builds, and talk about ways to maximize your...
John chatted Organized Play Regional Venture Captain (Great Lakes) and recent freelance author Brent Bowser about the affect of the pandemic on conventions and organized play, and also gets to meet the Regional Venture Cat, Bacon! Listen Now!(mp3)