Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.
Hi, I’m James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I’m going to complete the Murderhobo teamwork feat initiated by Anthony Li, the Man Behind the Screens. On the latest Behind the Screens, Anthony deconstructed the Murderhobo way of gaming. He...
From basically humans with extra bits on their faces to foreign entities with no recognizable skeletal structure, organs, or ecology, aliens can be anything!
Starfinder has been out for almost two months and we’re just getting the opportunity to see new creatures and aliens with the upcoming release of the Alien Archive. As the resident monster guy, I’ve been excited to take a...
We’re all gamers here, we’ve bought products to use at our gaming tables. Sometimes we read a book and think “OMG this is AMAZING!” Sometimes we read a book and think “Huh, I am never going to use...
Everyone who comes to the game table does so to have fun, but it’s not always easy for some players to participate as much as others. Today, we answer a question about how to help a shy player speak...
When getting ready for a role playing game, we know it’s often an excuse to play with some seriously nerdy toys. Miniatures, cards, scenery, dice, maps, and software, we want it all. But while there are mountains of material...