The Adventure Path development team takes a close look at the epic battles of the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path and previews the mysteries and perils of the Tyrant’s Grasp, the final First Edition Adventure Path! We’ll also...
Welcome back to another installment of Burst of Insight. Two weeks ago we talked about my evolving impressions of the Pathfinder Playtest and I still have a lot of opinions and impressions I need to unpack. So, this week...
Where in the Pact Worlds did you get such a unique drill bit? Ahh, I see you have found my diamadon tooth. It is a one of a kind, you won’t find any that cuts better without using plasma!...
The designers of the Starfinder RPG stand ready to take your game rules questions in this open-ended audience-participation question-and-answer session covering First Edition Pathfinder and the Pathfinder Playtest rules!
Paizo’s developers reveal the mysteries behind the Starfinder campaign setting, from conspiracies you never knew existed to the real story behind that one thing you always wanted to know. Bring your most burning setting questions to this often too-honest...
Paizo Managing Developer Adam Daigle joins us to talk about the new Adventure Path he’s developing, Return of the Runelords, including the adventure he wrote for it, Secrets of Roderic’s Cove. Additionally, he’s been credited as the brains behind...
Paizo’s developers reveal the mysteries behind the Pathfinder campaign setting, from conspiracies you never knew existed to the real story behind that one thing you always wanted to know. Bring your most burning setting questions to this often too-honest...
Welcome to Guidance! Today we’re back in the Playtest Ponderings as we talk a little bit about another topic that’s really been rocking the Playtesting world, healing. Players tend to have REALLY mixed feelings in regards to healing. Some...