The role of the GM is to tell a story, but that doesn’t always mean the story belongs to them. Players are active participants in the creation of a game’s narrative, and their agency is bound to conflict with...
Starfinder game developers share secrets to effective roleplaying game writing and chart the path to publication in this informative seminar designed to help you learn what it takes to become a professional author for Starfinder. Listen Now! (mp3)
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch, today I want to talk about blood. Blood, we all have it, we all need it, but do you know who needs it twice as much? Vampires. That’s a lie,...
Paizo’s Logan Bonner & Jason Bulmahn join us tonight to talk about how Pathfinder Second Edition gives you deep character customization while being easy to learn and fast to play with real examples. Listen Now! (mp3) Watch Know Direction...
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Learn what’s going on in the universe of Adventure Paths for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Get sneak previews of what’s to come, as well as behind-the-scenes stories and the chance to ask your questions about Starfinder’s...
In a remote star system lies Paizon 3, an interstellar battle dome where four galactic enigmas known as “the Editors” now gather their champions—bizarre creatures that defy time and space—to prove who is the greatest Wordsmitherer of them all....
There’s more to running a horror game than spooky settings and macabre monsters! Join Guest of Honor Liane Merciel and a panel of Paizo’s horror experts to talk about transforming your game into a nightmare from which your players...
Glintwood Clearing’s Elven inspired architecture is nestled under the branches of a massive ash tree that all residents of the Glintwood refer to as Iggy (in honor of the world tree Yggdrasil). Known to residents simply as “The Clearing”...