Ever since there have been tabletop roleplaying games for our imaginations to adventure in, there have been magical items to aid in that endeavor. But what if one of these treasures could also assist in our real life? Today,...
Join the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game crew to discuss the new Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne releases, Adventure Card Game Society plans, and talk about what exciting new things are on the horizon! Speakers: Tonya Woldridge,...
“Captain, scans are showing that all life signs have ceased. The pirates are no more and we should be clear to board.” announces the shirren’s voice modulator. Kik’grik’luk looks to Captain J3NE for confirmation, returning its gaze to the console...
How does one go about building a galaxy? Learn the secrets of creating an exciting, immersive campaign setting for the Starfinder RPG or any other galaxy-spanning science-fantasy game! Speakers: Rob McCreary, Joe Pasini, Chris Sims Listen Now! (mp3)
Paizo’s weekly actual play campaign will be coming to you live from PaizoCon! This event is two parts, a hour of game time followed by Q&A. It will be streamed live on twitch.tv/OfficialPaizo. Speakers: Jason Bulmahn, Katina Davis, Sara...
Work with Paizo staff members to brainstorm ideas for original Pathfinder monsters. Speakers: James Jacobs, Luis Loza, Patrick Renie, Wayne Reynolds Listen Now! (mp3)
A look at the underpinnings of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s Second Edition and why things work the way they do. Speakers: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter Listen Now! (mp3)
Welcome back to the Dev Pit, everyone! A few weeks ago I started a series where I analyzed Pathfinder First Edition’s classes and gave some ideas on whether or not that class should be translated to Second Edition as...
Beware the slippery banaknight, a tiny fey surprisingly adept at tripping up larger targets and splitting before you can answer their call. Ryan here, filling in for Luis. Last week we shared an image on Facebook of a 28mm...
I don’t think that most GMs sit at the right spot at the table. As a GM I’m always trying to think of ways to keep my players more engaged in our games. Besides storytelling and funny voices, I...