Hello, and welcome to a special review of Pathfinder Second Edition. With most of the Know Direction team at Gen Con 2019, gluttonously consuming second edition in all its glory, most of our blogs are on hiatus. I, Randal, writer...
Pathfinder Second Edition releases, and we’ve got the chapter by chapter review. KD’s been heralding pathfinder since its release, how do we feel about its replacement?! Listen Now! (mp3)
Hey all! I wanted a more classic look to the character sheet than the default one, and I’ve always been a fan of Landscape oriented character sheets. Sooooo… here it is! Download it here! Update 8/7/2019: Created Spell Sheets...
There’s reading a system and then there’s experiencing it. Ryan GMs a short homebrewed session, his first 2e GMing experience, for Perram, Loren, Vanessa, and Luis (whose experience with 2e helps everyone else get the rules right). Vanessa’s even...
The Know Direction staff is full of talented bloggers, writers, and designers, with a passion for Pathfinder. Some of our members weigh in with their thoughts on the new edition. Alex Well gang, we’re finally here! We begged and...
DovahQueen: Bend the Knee Since 2015, the DovahQueen has been taking your questions and giving advice to improve your games. Now the tables are turned in this DovahQueen series; Loren is asking the questions and a panel of three...
“Captain, the course is set and autopilot is engaged. We will arrive in 36 hours.” Sarahnd gets up from her seat and stretches lazily, “Nap time?” A digital eyebrow rearranges itself to give the captain’s face a quizzical appearance...
Heroes to the rescue! Fighting…a space whale! Listen Now!(mp3) Note: I had to dub in the name of the portal as I was calling it the wrong thing and didn’t realize it until after the fact. Because this is...
Introducing our players and characters. John Godek – GM, Stephanie Lundeen – Kaholo the Lashunta Solarian, Scott Keim – Razz the Skittermander Envoy, Mark Woolcott – Julakashti the Vesk Soldier, Ron Lundeen – Skootch the Ysoki Operative, Rob Helm...