We at Know Direction hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy as we practice social distancing and sequester ourselves within our homes. We must be a supportive community as this virus spreads across the world, reminding...
A mysterious fellow is dropping notes and spreading mistrust, but WHO? Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War For The Crown Adventure Path...
Effective immediately, the staff and creative content of Intrepid Heroes have a new home at KnowDirectionPodcast.com. WHO? Three members of the Intrepid Heroes team will be joining the Know Direction Network as staff and contributors: John Godek: GM of...
Hey, everybody. I know a lot of you are staying and keeping isolated (great job) and have possibly picked up the new Animal Crossing game. In celebration of the nice time that the those games bring, I figured I...
How are we supposed to play tabletop games when people the world over must stay in their homes, limit social contact, and try not to touch our faces? Fortunately, the tabletop game hobby has steadily been drifting towards this...
Disclaimer: Disease can be a socially complex topic during our time of crisis, and including them in your game has the potential to make some of your players uncomfortable. You should discuss the role it plays in your campaigns...
Hello, and welcome to Iconic Design! I’m Alex Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and Steven Universe is like my favorite TV show EVER. I’ve written about this a buch of times, like here, here, here, and here. It sometimes makes...
Two weeks ago, I began an alignment based prompts series. This week we continue with the three neutral alignments. As before these are designed with both players and GMs in mind. Many of the concepts in the series are...