Join Erik Mona as he gushes about Pathfinder adventures with Adam Daigle, Ron Lundeen, and Patrick Hurley. The seminar contains Adam Daigle, and therefore may contain inappropriate language.
John and Ron talk about Ron, his family, and some Paizo coworkers’ recent visit to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, then discuss how there ain’t no party like a Starfinder party because a Starfinder party don’t stop!* Listen Now!(mp3)...
During the pandemic I’ve seen more and more memes of lists some with commentary and some without. Recently, one of my friends posted 10 RPGs that had influenced them. So last time, I began by posting four of my...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Hey, there! Before I get started with Monstrous Physique, I want to take some time to speak about the current goings on. People nationwide are protesting against police brutality and doing their best to support Black communities. You probably...