The season is upon us! And what better way to celebrate than to fire up roll20 and check out some spooky scenarios this Halloween? Whether you play Starfinder or either edition of Pathfinder, there are numerous ways to scratch...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Our Adventurous heroes found the answer to Baron Telus’ absenteeism in Jambis. That answer: Spiders. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War For...
DovahQueen: Bend the Knee Since 2015, the DovahQueen has been taking your questions and giving advice to improve your games. Now the tables are turned in this DovahQueen series; Loren is asking the questions and a panel of three...
Pathfinder Society is both straight forward enough for new players and deep enough for lifetime gamers. That’s why Paizo has used their organized play program to bring new players into the hobby since before 1st edition. But what does...
Giochi Uniti International, in partnership with Paizo Inc, has announced a new tabletop competitive board game: Pathfinder Arena Set in the Lost Omens campaign setting, Pathfinder Arena is a board game for 2-4 players featuring four of Pathfinder’s iconic...
Introduction First off, I want to give a huge ‘Thank You’ to our guest bloggers. I won’t lie, I was one of the KD crew that flagged behind and signaled to Ryan we might need a short break. My...
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Guidance! I’m fresh from my week off thanks to our annual Know Direction guest blogger take over week, and ready to get back to offering you some helpful Guidance! About two weeks ago, I...