Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Hey, there! Luis here! One particular character type that I’ve always like is that of the Determinator, that is, the person that never gives up. Media is full of these like Inigo Montoya and Captain America. Among the determinators...
I didn’t realize how much I missed gaming in person with a few friends gathered around my table. Maybe it’s not the full group I’d like (as we’re being careful about social circle and impact due to COVID) but...
It’s episode 4 and our Valiant heroes finish their search of the mine and finally make their way home to finish the job. Listen Now! (mp3) Valiant is a Pathfinder Second Edition actual play podcast and is a production...
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Guidance! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and I’m back after a HELL of a week (not the “good” Hell of a Week, the kind of “Hell of a Week” that has you sitting...
Last time on Fox’s Cunning, I answered a question I see asked and answered on social media every year. This week, I’m answering a question social media couldn’t answer to my satisfaction: What is the best camera to livestream...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren take a look at the Second Edition’s champion. Follow along as they break down the champion class features, present their own champion builds, answer some listener questions, and speculate on...
Share a Complete Character Chronicles guess to win a Beadle & Grimm’s shirt! As announced last week in Know Direction 236: Matthew Lillard and the Beadle & Grimm’s Team, the Know Direction Network is giving away five (5) Beadle &...
Promotional contests are hard. When I started working at a company with both creative and promotional departments, I realized how naïve it was to believe that a great idea and hard work are the key ingredients to success. Advertising...