Alex and James talk the talk about Starfinder’s surprisingly nuanced NPC creation process, then walk the walk, turning live listener suggestions into an undead television signal that rots your brains.
It’s episode 16 and our Valiant heroes have to decide what to do next on their adventures. When things aren’t as clear to them, they do the thing that makes the most sense: pray for help! Listen Now! (mp3)...
We return to Stabby’s Group where it all began: Character creation. Ryan and Loren walk the players through the character creation process in these special 1-on-1 recordings before the special Stabby’s Group one-shot. Featuring: Loren Sieg writer of Dear...
Designer Quinn Murphy is working on a solo version of Pathfinder 2e he calls Paragon mode. Tommy from the Black Dragon Gaming YouTube channel has experience running games for groups of less than the recommended 4. Together, they join...
In episode 14 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Erica Hayes-Bouyouris about her co-design BOSK by Floodgate Games. Erica shares her insights on how to find a good co-design partner and what it was like...
Ryan’s wanted to GM for a while now, but hasn’t made the time. After last Know Direction’s GM Style conversation, he couldn’t wait any longer. He invited anyone who wanted to join him in the Geek Together chat channel...