Welcome to the Know Direction’s GenCon 2011, brought to you by Chimera Games. Special 1 – The Future of Paizo seminar Listen Now! Know Direction is the Pathfinder RPG news, reviews, and interviews podcast, hosted by Ryan Costello, Jr...
With Gen Con in the air, Ryan and Perram discuss their plans for the best four days in gaming. Dave Gross visits to discuss his latest Pathfinder Tales novel Master of Devils (read his blog for more of his...
Ryan and Matt break down the differences between level adjustment and racial hit dice and go over the various options for playing level adjusted races at 1st level. Listen Now!
Seminar 22 – Auntie Lisa’s Story Hour Thanks again to Justin Sluder (Black Fang on the Paizo forums and the co-author of Rite Publishing’s Faces of the Tarnished Souk series of advanced NPCs), for making Know Direction’s Paizocon 2011...
Seminar 21 – Designing Better Feats and Traits Thanks again to Justin Sluder (Black Fang on the Paizo forums and the co-author of Rite Publishing’s Faces of the Tarnished Souk series of advanced NPCs), for making Know Direction’s Paizocon...
Seminar 20 – Designing Monsters Thanks again to Justin Sluder (Black Fang on the Paizo forums and the co-author of Rite Publishing’s Faces of the Tarnished Souk series of advanced NPCs), for making Know Direction’s Paizocon 2011 seminar coverage...
Seminar 19 – Pathfinder Beginner Box Thanks again to Justin Sluder (Black Fang on the Paizo forums and the co-author of Rite Publishing’s Faces of the Tarnished Souk series of advanced NPCs), for making Know Direction’s Paizocon 2011 seminar...
Seminar 18 – Building and Borrowing Worlds Thanks again to Justin Sluder (Black Fang on the Paizo forums and the co-author of Rite Publishing’s Faces of the Tarnished Souk series of advanced NPCs), for making Know Direction’s Paizocon 2011...