Spoiler-free discussion of Daredevil, and why Ryan was pretty excited about him even before the Netflix series rocked everyone’s socks. Plus, Cathy wonders why anyone would ever want a villain’s action figure. Featuring Catherine Dolan. Listen now!
Ryan Costello has declared May to be Pathfinder Unchained month here at the Know Direction Network, and Anthony and Alex of the Private Sanctuary Podcast are more than happy to climb aboard! Join our daring cohosts as they comb...
Paizo designer Stephen Radney-MacFarlane talks Pathfinder Unchained, we talk about the RotRL for Hero Lab, new Faction Logos, and New Paizo Staff, and answer your questions!
Alexander Augunas and Anthony Li are looking at another region of Golarion in this week’s Dimension Door! This time, Alex and Anthony explore what could arguably be the most savage region in the Inner Sea: Belkzen, the Hold of...
Anthony Li and Alexander Augunas are talking homebrew with their second installment of Create Demiplane, a segment in which the Private Sanctuary Podcast’s Man Behind the Screens and Everyman Gamer talk about world building. If that wasn’t cool enough, they’ll...
Perram & Ryan get back to basics this episode with reviews of the Monster Codex, Pathfinder: Origins 1 & 2, and… Squealy Nord? Also loaded with questions and news.
Ryan wants to know whether you’d sooner recommend a show whose quality curves like Star Trek TOS or Star Trek TNG. And Cathy asks on what criteria do you base your favourite character? Featuring Catherine Dolan. Listen now!
Its time to join the Private Sanctuary Podcast for another Class Feature’s segment! Today, Anthony and Alex pull off the kids’ gloves and throw them into the ring with one of the new classes from the Advanced Class Guide:...