Last installment, we discussed the origins of the terms “Mark,” “Smart Mark” (aka “Smark”) and “Smart” as they pertained to the WWE. We also discussed how those terms related back to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—specially how different people view...
The monsters continue to wander this Fighting Friday! Following up from the last Wandering Monsters article, today I present the second half of the Forest Ruins. While the two can be used independently, using them together can create a...
Last time we went over the pros and cons of multi-table events and what the types of challenges and rewards that they might offer a GMs and players. For today, I thought we might go over some different types...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is cat. Even someone as outspoken against pigeon-holing people with stereotypes and labels has...
I’m getting over a cold unlike one I’ve ever had; I lost my voice and had to stay home from work for almost a week as to not Patient Zero my office. This got me thinking about how sickness and...
I get a lot of my ideas (both for new builds and for new content to design) from my Pathfinder Society experiences. I love seeing new builds and new ideas, but watching other people build characters also gives me...
Variety is the spice of life and this idea is no less relevant when it comes to monsters. There are a number of creature types in Pathfinder, but there are some that have yet to see some love in...
Role playing can help us leave our mundane lives behind, but then there was that one time, at the Royal Bardic Band Camp… How do we incorporate our worldly experiences into our gaming experience? Should we incorporate our worldly...
Third Party People is a twice monthly series on the people behind the third party publishers that innovate new options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying game, and provide hungry young freelancers a venue for their creations. We kick off 3PP’s...
Character development begins with an effective background and progresses through the entire life of a campaign. About a month ago I talked about character backgrounds and offered suggestions for GMs and players to effectively integrate those backgrounds into the...