Monsters are the heart and soul of adventure role playing games – you have to have something to challenge your players. Without monsters, you’re playing board games. Sometimes they’re people and then we can call them Non-Player Characters (NPC),...
Third Party People is a twice monthly series on the people behind the third party publishers that innovate new options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying game, and provide hungry young freelancers a venue for their creations. Today we speak with...
Whether you’re running a running a campaign or writing an adventure for publication you need to provide your players with memorable antagonists. Dangerous foes who challenge the players, inspire anger and a bit of fear as they thwart the...
Pathfinder and its predecessor, Dungeons & Dragons, have a very strange history with professionalism in terms of writing. Our community has always turned to major, 1st-Party Publishers (“1PP”) for its content, but in the back of the community’s mind...
We wander out of the forest and to the beach on this week’s Wandering Monsters. While this week’s map doesn’t have a direct connection to the previous two, it isn’t too much work to get the maps connected. Forest...
Alright, so you’ve gotten a handle on what multi-table events are. You’ve figured out what form it’ll take. And you’re looking to run one for in your local community. So let’s dive into the first steps towards making that...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word was suggested by Quo in honor of Valentine’s, heart! I’m not much...
When I’m not at work, playing Battlefield 1, or rolling some D20’s, I’m usually watching anime. The wide variety of genres and settings coupled with the low cost of a Crunchyroll subscription always give me something to enjoy. One...
I’ll be honest, healing might not be the strongest option in the game, but man if I’m not a sucker for it! As a result, it was SUPER exciting to get to work on the Healer’s Handbook, and I’m...
Recent news in regards to the naming of the upcoming Star Wars movie as well as a recent fling with the X-Wing miniatures game have me with galaxies far, far away on the mind. The Star Wars universe is...