Welcome back to Part 2 of an indefinitely-numbered series on being a freelancer! Last time, I very generally went over marketability as a Pathfinder RPG freelancer, and touched on the three important qualities that you need to be a...
This week’s Wandering Monsters lead us to a fantasy staple: the quaint inn. Not all is at it appears at this inn, however. The cozy walls house great secrets. This inn is the perfect stop for PCs after a...
On Saturday night, I received news that I’d never wanted to hear. A friend lost his battle with depression and was no longer with us. A fellow party member had passed away – in real life. Bobby was an avid gamer, a friend,...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word was suggested by Jordan. Rebel is a great word, ripe for inspiration. It’s...
Your enjoyment in an RPG like Pathfinder is contingent on your ability to grasp the setting and the events happening in it, that’s even before you decide if you like it. If you don’t have a frame of reference...
With Starfinder on the horizon (plus the excellent writing in Blood of the Beast), I’ve found myself with a bit of a soft spot for ratfolk recently. With this in mind, I thought that it would be fun to...
Tales speak of a horrid creature that can gore the legs of a hunter without stove pipes on his legs. The beasts can sing tenor and mate as fast as a flash of lightning. I speak, of course, of...
Monsters are the heart and soul of adventure role playing games – you have to have something to challenge your players. Without monsters, you’re playing board games. Sometimes they’re people and then we can call them Non-Player Characters (NPC),...
Third Party People is a twice monthly series on the people behind the third party publishers that innovate new options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying game, and provide hungry young freelancers a venue for their creations. Today we speak with...
Whether you’re running a running a campaign or writing an adventure for publication you need to provide your players with memorable antagonists. Dangerous foes who challenge the players, inspire anger and a bit of fear as they thwart the...